/ / Roasted Bacon Broccoli: Keto and Kid Approved

Roasted Bacon Broccoli: Keto and Kid Approved

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Don’t throw out that bacon grease – save it! This Roasted Bacon Broccoli is wonderfully easy and SUPER delicious. We rarely have left overs because you can’t help but come back for more.

two images the top being a plate of served broccoli and the bottom a pan of uncooked broccoli with garlic press

One Saturday morning after enjoying a yummy breakfast of sourdough pancakes and bacon as a family, we were cleaning up and I couldn’t help but think, “What a shame to throw out all that delicious bacon grease!” So I put a stop to it right there and said, “Don’t wash that pan! Save it!” I didn’t know why yet, but my recipe wheels were turning.

Later on that day while I was remembering that delicious pan of grease just waiting to be used, I opened my freezer. I knew there had to be something in there to utilize the goodness! And low and behold, a big bag of organic broccoli stared at me. It was fate.

What better way to make broccoli more appealing to the kiddos that smothered in bacon grease? I mean, come on! Right then and there it became the legend of a recipe it is today. We now enjoy roasted bacon broccoli once a week, and maybe more if we need a good excuse for more bacon!

One note to remember: When using fat from an animal, sourcing it responsibly matters. Any mammal will naturally store whatever chemicals or unnatural biproducts the animal digests in its fat stores. Animal fat isn’t bad and can have many health benefits (vitamin A, D, and K), as long as it is organic and pastured. We love Applegate Sunday Bacon for this recipe! For more healthy recipes for the whole family check back often!

a plate of broccoli being served

Roasted Bacon Broccoli

Ever wonder what to do with that delicious bacon grease after making breakfast on those cozy weekend mornings? Don't throw it away or wash your pan! Save it! This Roasted Bacon Broccoli is wonderfully easy and SUPER delicious. We rarely have left overs because you can't help but come back for more.
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Prep Time:5 mins
Cook Time:30 mins


  • large baking sheet
  • spatula
  • garlic press


  • 1 pan with bacon grease and drippings/bits leftover
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 32 oz frozen organic broccoli Fresh is even better, but frozen is more practical for me!
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • After cooking a pan of bacon, save the grease!
    a pan of uncooked bacon
  • Pour your bag(s) of frozen, organic broccoli onto your pan of bacon grease. It may already be solidifying; that's ok! It will soften in the oven.
    a baking sheet with bacon pieces and broccoli
  • Using your garlic press, mince two cloves over broccoli.
    a baking sheet with bacon pieces and broccoli with a women pressing garlic on it
  • Toss the broccoli and garlic together with spatula
    a baking sheet with bacon pieces and broccoli
  • Salt and pepper to taste.
    a baking sheet with bacon pieces and broccoli being salted
  • Bake at 400° for 30 minutes or until desired softness (or slightly longer for crispy)
    a baking sheet with cooked bacon pieces and broccoli
  • *Adding some fresh shredded cheese takes it to the next level, but either way you'll be wanting more!
    woman shredding cheese over plate of broccoli
  • Enjoy!
    a woman serving cooked broccoli
Course: Side Dish
Keyword: healthy, keto, organic, quick
Servings: 8
Author: Arielle

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