/ / FREE Homeschool Math Curriculum for K-8th Grade!

FREE Homeschool Math Curriculum for K-8th Grade!

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an image of three math curriculums leaning against a wall

Last year I posted a video of how my family planned to use Rays Arithmetic and we happily did for a few months. It really is a great curriculum because of cost and content. Like I say in the video, if it is working for your family, keep using it; I really believe it serves many families well. I started to notice that one of my students began to “pick-up” on the patterns used and wasn’t computing, but rather just “guessing” the next number. I knew I had to find something that was more engaging for her. That’s when I came across the Everyday Arithmetic Series, a FREE homeschool math curriculum for K-8th grade!

But first, let me back up. Before you start the Everyday Arithmetic series (because it is meant to begin in 2nd grade with First Year in Number), I highly recommend you begin with Number Stories. It is a wonderful, vintage math curriculum that is story-based using all verbal computation. We use Number Stories 1 and Number Stories 2 before we begin Everyday Arithmetic because it sets your student(s) up to be confident in how to compute mentally using real life problems, while recognizing numerical values without pushing them to write.

math book for kindergarten
Number Stories 1
kindergarten math book

You could begin Number Stories 1 at five or six years old, depending on your student and slowly progress through the books. Follow your child’s lead here, keeping lessons short (10 minutes tops). This will not only keep them engaged, but feed their appetite for knowledge without squelching their curiosity. Once those two books are completed (in 2-3 years), then move on to the Everyday series!

The video below really goes more in depth on what’s inside and how I use this free homeschool math curriculum for K-8th grade every day. I recommend printing out the Everyday Arithmetic series to use it like a consumable “workbook”. Keep in mind that printing will change the formatting, so in measuring lessons you will need a 1/2 inch square graph notebook. We typically do one page a day and it’s the perfect pace. Both my daughters, who have very different math skills, say math is their favorite subject! Give it a go and tell me how much you love it – what have you got to lose?!

First Year In Numbers (for grade 2)

Everyday Arithmetic Primary Book (for grades 3 & 4)

Everyday Arithmetic Intermediate Book (for grades 5 & 6)

Everyday Arithmetic Book 3 (for grades 7 & 8)

A Course Of Study In Everyday Arithmetic + Answer Guide for the teacher (lots of helpful tips and answers, especially in older grades)

an image of three math curriculums leaning against a wall

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  1. Hi.
    Thank you for sharing something so wonderful. I would like to inquire about the Number stories book. Where can i purchase these from?
    Thank you

  2. Can you please give us a link to the one you have spiral bound and made the cover for (not the actual hardback books) The little workbook looking one? <3


  3. Hello! Arielle, do you plan on using this math through 8th? It looks as if it would require children to learn adequate arithmetic and math skills. Wondering about the 7th and 8th grade books though…do you think they would prepare for a gentle algebra course in grade 9? Just wondering your thoughts. Thank you so much for sharing the post and video.
    Marla Scott

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